Peter Winter

Principal Investigator, Co-Director Ex Vivo
Broad Institute

Peter Winter

Principal Investigator, Co-Director Ex Vivo
Broad Institute

Peter Winter, PhD 

Peter is a Principal Investigator at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He leads a multidisciplinary team that aims to understand how diverse facets of cancer biology (e.g. oncogenic mutations, RNA-state, and the microenvironment) cooperate to drive systems-level tumor behaviors. Peter co-directs Project Ex Vivo, a partnership he helped to establish between the Broad Institute and Microsoft. The group’s initial focus is on building foundational datasets and approaches to better model expression states seen in vivo but lost when cultured as models. The goal is to delineate, across diverse cancers, which features we need to preserve in ex vivo models to faithfully study complex cell behaviors like response and resistance to therapy. 

Before moving to the Broad, Peter received graduate training with Kris Wood at Duke University where he worked to understand drug resistance in diverse cancers by performing functional genetic screens and conducting mechanistic studies in cell and animal models. As a postdoctoral fellow at MIT and Harvard in the laboratories of Alex Shalek and Scott Manalis, he worked to execute and computationally interpret a range of single-cell measurements on diverse primary tissues and model systems. He has expertise in cancer biology, single-cell methods, and computational biology. His group at the Broad Institute merges these skill sets by pairing the power of high-content measurements with new high throughput functional genomic screening approaches.